US H-1B Specialty Occupation Visa Attorney
Experienced Employment-Based Visa Lawyers
The H-1B specialty occupation visa is intended for individuals who work in positions that require an advanced educational degree such as a master’s degree, a doctorate, or an equivalent degree or accreditation. In addition, certain other individuals may be eligible for this type of business visa, including people who are engaged in government-to-government research and development or who are involved in certain types of projects through the United States Department of Defense. The H-1B visa is also provided for fashion models who have achieved a level of distinguished merit and ability in the field.
Who is Eligible for H-1B Visa?
To be eligible for an H-1B specialty occupations visa there are requirements for the occupation as well as the applicant.
The applicant must meet 1 of the following:
- Have a bachelor’s degree or higher as required by the position from an accredited college or university
- Have a foreign degree that is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree or higher from the U.S. as required by the position
- Have certification or unrestricted state license that authorizes the applicant to engage in work that is required by the specialty occupation.
If the applicant does not have a bachelor’s or master’s degree, they may qualify if they have at least 12 years of specialized experience.
The requirements for the employer:
- The position requires the application of specific, highly specialized knowledge.
- The occupation requires minimum attainment of a bachelor’s degree or higher for entry to the U.S.
The specialty occupation itself must also meet 1 of the following:
- The minimum degree required for the position is a bachelor’s degree or higher, or an equivalent.
- The required degree is a standard requirement that is common in that industry or the job is so complex that only a person with a specific degree can do it.
- The employer typically requires a degree or the equivalent of it for the position.
- The duties are so specialized and complex that the knowledge needed in order to do the job is associated with the attainment of a bachelor’s degree or higher.
Nonimmigrant Visa for Specialty Occupation Workers
The H-1B visa is a nonimmigrant visa; it is not for individuals who are coming to the U.S. for the purposes of taking up permanent residence with a green card and pursuing the path to naturalization and citizenship. Instead, it is only valid for a limited period of time. Before an individual may apply for a specialty occupation visa, he or she must be the subject of an approved Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, which has been filed by an employer who is sponsoring the application and is offering a work position to the prospective visa holder. Prior to filing the Form I-129, the employer must obtain a labor certification from the Department of Labor by demonstrating that the position cannot reasonably be filled by hiring someone out of the local labor pool.
Immigration Lawyers in Virginia, Washington, DC and North Carolina
At Fayad Law, P.C., we understand the importance of being able to carry out the entire process of applying for an H-1B visa with a minimum of difficulty and delay, and our Fairfax, Virginia immigration lawyers are prepared to work tirelessly to assist you. With more than 20 years of combined experience, we are capable of addressing any complications that might arise along the way and we will do everything we can to ensure that you or your future employee receive the H-1B visa as soon as possible.
Our goal is to help you and your business, so contact our firm today!
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FAQs - Preguntas frecuentes
Hay docenas de diferentes tipos de visas disponibles bajo las disposiciones de la Ley de Inmigración y Nacionalidad (INA), pero todas pueden clasificarse en dos categorías: visas de inmigrante y no inmigrante. La primera es destinada para aquellos que desean establecerse como residentes permanentes y, posiblemente, obtener la naturalización o la ciudadanía. La segunda es para aquellos que planean únicamente visitar los Estados Unidos, por ejemplo, por motivo de negocios o de estudios.
La INA establece los límites de personas que podrán emigrar cada año a los Estados Unidos utilizando ciertos tipos de visas, mientras que otras son ilimitadas. Las visas de inmigración familiar para familiares directos de ciudadanos estadounidenses están disponibles de forma ilimitada, mientras que hay cuotas anuales establecidas para los familiares de residentes permanentes legales y la familia de los ciudadanos, con una cuota máxima de 480,000. El número de visas de inmigración basadas en empleo está limitado a 140,000 por año.
Las vías para obtener la ciudadanía incluyen el servicio militar en los Estados Unidos y la adopción, pero un gran porcentaje de todas las personas que se convierten en ciudadanos lo hacen a través del proceso de naturalización. Los requisitos básicos para la naturalización incluyen:
- Haber vivido en EE.UU como residente permanente durante 5 años (o 3 años para el cónyuge de un ciudadano estadounidense).
- Tener al menos 18 años de edad.
- Vivir dentro del estado en donde realizará la solicitud de ciudadanía por al menos 3 meses antes de la fecha de solicitud.
- Haber estado físicamente presente en el país durante al menos la mitad de los últimos 5 años.
- Ser capaz de leer, escribir y hablar Inglés.
- Tener conocimientos básicos sobre el Gobierno de EE.UU. y educación cívica.
También es necesario comprobar que es una persona de buen carácter moral y de que está apegado a los principios de la Constitución de EE.UU. Podemos ayudarle a comprobar estos factores, así como a preparar su solicitud y a prepararse para sus exámenes.